Thursday, November 24, 2011

Why do black women love to start drama compared to white women?

I find white women to be less problematic in a relationship compared to black women. Which is why i don't usually go for black women until I find the right one!|||Boy please. A white woman will bring u drama when she calls the cops on ur black *ss. Smh|||lol..yea just look at Tiger woods. honestly if I had a choice Id stick with European men and tell every black woman in america to quit foolishly supporting to and dating only black men, clearly that desire doesnt go both ways. I think white males are easier in ways to get with-no daddy issues

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|||It's not so much that they start drama but more that society tends to put a spotlight on black women to try to create more drama than there was to begin with. Also, it's not always just race that may fall in the center of drama but more of a certain breed of people who somehow happen to have more of their business exposed to the world than others.|||That's your experience, someone else's experience might be different. It depends on how the black woman and the white woman are raised.

I grew up in a multiracial neighborhood, but went to a mostly white school and I saw a lot of white girls starting drama. I guess you're around black girls from rough neighorhoods.

Young women of all races have a tendancy to love drama, I mean look at how long soap operas have stayed on tv and reality shows. Why? Because people love drama. Not everyone but most.|||Are you serious right now? All you are saying is stereotypes and you know it good %26amp; well. stop slamming blacks already. if you claim white women are so much more less problematic, go fool around with some instead of spreading these foolish questions!

I find people like you posting these types of questions ignorant and or racist. (:

White women or any race of women for that matter have the ability to start up drama. get that through your head, PLEASE.|||maybe because we black women are strong and dont need men to treat us like princesses, unlike the white girls, when theres one problem theyll run away and cry and expect the men to follow them around like fools

psh we aint problematic the problems come to us.|||Tbh im white, and i now for a fact black women dont take no sh*t from men. thats what ive witnessed from my black girl friends anyway. One time i was with this guy and he freaked out over me talking to another guy and slapped me, my black girl friend latysha threw a broken bottle of jack daniels at him, never saw that crazy fool again. Black girls make great friends they always got ya back.|||they do? last time I checked you (all men) made black women problematic. You guys are so mean, it's NO WONDER black women are defensive! you are mean and wonder why black women are mean. black women have attitudes because it's a DEFENSE MECHANISM! it's cause and effect.

I thank God my sons won't be wussies.|||Oh please my parents are rich and we live in beverly hills, LA they argue everyday like there is no tomorrow.|||Id rather start drama then be a doormat..

pick your ****** carefully.|||Trust me, its a woman thing, not a black/white thing.|||everybody likes drama regardless of race or gender.|||You need to watch a couple of episode of "The Real housewive of OC, New Jersey" and "The HIlls"|||What do you mean by drama? Give an example.|||black women can shake it better but.|||boy please, white women don't cook or clean. Lazy bytches|||Its a Ghetto thing

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