Does the energy eventually cause the black hole to cease to exist? The reason a black hole is created is when the star starts to fuse iron and that takes energy. This in turn causes it to collapse in on it's self as it gobbles up the energy. If over millions or billions of years the Black Hole eats up enough energy will that energy destroy the singularity?|||Black holes evaporate! When a black hole is not Active (meaning they are not consuming stars and other stellar objects) the black hole actually releases more energy than is being consumed. This is called Hawking Radiation. When particles escape, the black hole loses a small amount of its energy and therefore of its mass (mass and energy are related by Einstein's equation E = mc虏). So the energy is eventually released in Gamma Radiation (high energy photons).
Yes, the reason a black hole is created is because a high-massive star collapses on itself because it cant hold up against gravity. The star collapses into a single point with infinite mass. Since mass attracts more mass, its gravity pulls in more and more.
The thing is, when you say "If over millions or billions of years" you are forgetting how gravity affects time. To put it simply...
More Gravity=Slower Time
Less Gravity=Faster Time
So, as you know inside the singularity there is infinite density (mass divided by volume), this creates infinite gravity. Infinite gravity = Time Does Not Exist !
Therefore in fact, black holes have existed forever and will always continue to exist. But since we are not inside the blackholes singularity, time occurs differently, which is why we see it's death...Evaporation.
I do apologize if I did a huge mind-phunk. Blackholes are a complicated subject. I hope I shed some light on it though, oh wait, light doesnt exist in a blackhole either....
;)|||No no! This was a wonderful explanation. It covered alot of complicated details in a very understandable way. I love black holes. Great answer
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|||The energy is converted into mass. Once a black hole has formed, it can continue to grow by absorbing additional matter. Any black hole will continually absorb gas and interstellar dust from its direct surroundings and omnipresent cosmic background radiation. This is the primary process through which supermassive black holes seem to have grown.|||no one knows for sure as we have never witnessed the birth or death of a black hole. But we do know nothing lasts forever. Matter/energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but they can be changed from one state to another. (E=mc^2)
I have no doubt in my mind that Black holes have a critical mass, and when reached it will end their life cycle in a bang or Big bang?
Black holes get stronger the more stuff they gobble up, but it's only logical to predict that at some point it would grow too unstable and tear itself apart.|||not only does it consume energy, but it spews out beams of energy too. Scientists believe that black holes are not necessarily the "end" but a beginning. Possibly creating galaxies all over the Universe, which is why there is a super massive black hole in the center of every galaxy
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