Thursday, November 24, 2011

How to pass a black light test for urine?

I live in an apartment that does black light tests. On our own inspection we saw some interesting things and are assuming it it is urine from our potty training daughter. We have cleaned the area with a bunch of urine removal products but the area is still showing up on black light tests. They are much lighter, can not be seen by normal light and have no smell.

Has any one ever cleaned up urine and then black lighted the areas to see the area clean?

What did you use?

Thanks in advance|||Unfortunately, the old urine stains will continue to glow in the carpeting, even after treating and there removal. They will be there even after professional cleaning. There is now a product available to the carpet cleaning supply stores that will eliminate the glow, I'm told. I've never tried it, but I know it is available.|||Here's what I did- I used a blacklight to find all the pet stains and doused them in Get Serious. I then blotted the doused areas and went to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I steam cleaned my carpet (using laundrey detergent as the soap). That night I checked for the stains- GONE!

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|||No that is really interesting. The standard treatment for urine is to apply enzymes. Enzymes are the natural way to break down the urine molecule to inoffensive bits. You can buy enzyme cleaners at your local pet store. Treat those areas then black light it after some time has passed because the enzymes take time to work. Let us know back.|||Well i don't know what color the surface is, but I recommend tilex. It works wonders and kills bacteria. You can probably even dilute it cause it is a bit strong, and it will last longer. Works really great in showers and tubs too.

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