Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why are black spots appearing on my snake?

He's a orange/red corn snake that naturally has absolutely no black on him. But within the last month his scales in certain places have looked withered and turned black like they're dirty or something. I've tried to clean them, but he won't hold still, and they won't wash off.

Anyone know whats wrong?|||Have you checked him for mites?|||I agree check for mites they can come from mice and they will make him have "raised scales" If so you will need to treat him for it, ask at the petshop and they can give you the correct meds for reptiles, keep his cage very clean.|||he could have mites and/or scale rot. with mites, clean his cage and disinfect it with mite crap you can buy at pet stores. with scale rot, if he is not developing more, you should leave him in a non-humid environment and wait for his next shed. good luck!!!!!!!!|||If they don't wash off, they're not mites.

Check the scales again after the next shed. If the black spots are still there, it is probably normal coloration as the snake gets older.|||your snake has a sickness cald taberculias and it isa fectible to humans so take him to a vet|||Sounds to me like he has a fungal infection. Maybe his tank has too much moisture in it. Bring it to a vet before it gets a respiratory infection.|||Most likely it's just worn scales that will probably go away with the next shed. If you have an amelanistic snake (amel/red amel/red albino...whatever you want to call it) there will never be black. I would suspect that the scales will look normal after shed. If not, I would check your viv for excess moisture. If you're on newspaper, it's possible that the black is from that. If it still seems to be a problem after shed, or your snake starts acting abnormally, consult a reptile vet.|||When your not sure there are people call VETs

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